Machine Embroidered Block of the Month Quilt 2025

Machine Embroidered Block of the Month Quilt 2025
Saturday January 25th
10:30 to 4:00 p.m.
We will be making the Flower Dance quilt from Smith Street Designs for our machine embroidered quilt project for 2025. This quilt is done with a series of patterns that features a new block or two for the focus quilt but also includes a variety of additional projects that can be made from the same patterns.
You have the option of making the quilt, making the extra projects, or being a super over-achiever and doing it all! Laura will demonstrate the block for the month at the beginning of class. You may do your embroidery at home, or you can bring your machine and work on it here making new embroidery friends.
This class will meet every-other-month to allow you time to complete each part of the quilt. With this quilt, there are machine applique embroidery and traditional pieced blocks.
Instructor: Laura Shotwell
Fee: $60.00 for the year
(Patterns required, but not included)
Machine Embroidered Block of the Month Quilt 2025
Pattern not included